August 7, 2024

2024 - July 26-31 - Miscellaneous


Thank you cards for the choir director at Chanticle Camp. Fun artistic talent courtesy of Rosie and Marigold. I wish I had saved a copy of the picture Marigold made of the director it was adorable!!!

Mass was the culmination of the camp.
They sang BEAUTIFULLY!!!

These boys!

harvesting zucchini

these boys!

and these!

Praise God for another Catholic!

harvesting corn

My dad had one of these when we were young!

My youngest sister

We counted 36 or was it 40 cranes in this field!

First sign of Christmas August 1

Happy 3rd Birthday SB1 (and Great Grandma M!) Kids made a dirt cake for her with homemade chocolate pudding. That's the difference! (IMO gummy worms do no go with chocolate)

2" nest

August 6, 2024

2024 - July 25 - Upper Dells Boats


Homemade Sauer Kraut YUM!

Everyone's favorite!

Day 4 - Upper Dells Boats

Ice cream treats

The dog can be seen jumping back and forth in 2 of these photos

The original photographer's child.
Would you?

Snapping turtle in the road and he was ferocious!