July 17, 2013

The Fourth of July

 Happy 4th of July (a little belated in getting pictures up here...!)
 Did you ever do this when you were a kid? 

 The tall stalk was an avocado tree that Sam planted in 1st grade... the death of the plant and the other plantlings was what happens when certain little boys water the tree.
 The "brats" were actually sweet Italian sausages... from Costco of course... and were soooo good.
 Is this not totally American?  (probably made in China)  Circus Peanuts. 

 Oddly few weeds this year but an explosion of flowers.  I sooo am not my friend-with-the-green thumb who transplanted many of these flowers.
 Black  Caps and Raspberries, vine fresh.
 So... Frodo built a gate for the pool area.  I kid you not....
 Marigold spent just a mere few minutes to figure out how to unlatch it....
 ... from the outside.  Poppy couldn't work the latch but she figured to just jump the fence instead.  Never underestimate the minds of children.
 Merry and Kili
 Pippin found a secret hiding spot.

 On this day Kili did NOT like the pool. However at the time of the typing of this post he will allow me to bring him in... but no one else.
 Harvesting last years' onions.  (shhh... they weren't very good...)

 Can you guess what that is?  A jello cube of course. 
 Aragorn got us a few fireworks to enjoy.

 Smoke bombs... now what... praytell, is the point of those?


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