November 10, 2013

This and That

 Kili loves going out for a walk, yet another outdoor kid in our household.
 Frodo carved and painted this figure for a friend of his.
 I definitely could not figure out this picture... notice the bottle.
 One of the kids had put him on the table and taken his picture sideways.
 The barn project continues....
 The correct siding came.
 Someone once told one of my boys only hillbillies don't wear shoes.  I know so many children who don't wear shoes, the world must be full of hillbillies.

 My little lamb.  Better than being a wolf in lamb's clothing.

Our priest celebrated his birthday. This was Emily's drawing for him.
 Happy Birthday, Fr. Alex!  Our (small) homeschooling group had a birthday party for him.

 It's finished!  (on the outside)
 Still needs walls and water and stalls and whatever else goes into a barn.
 I'm thinking this would make a really nice dining room for my children.

Can't you just picture a nice dining room?  If you can't then you will totally never get my blog :D

 Aragorn decided to close in our porch which will be a great place to play in the winter.
 Nothing fancy, just closed in. Well... it's not done yet. And of course when we got to the point of putting in the last window, one of the children (thinking dining room comments) smashed the window by knocking a board  on it.. or something. Of course no one did it. Weird. Because we didn't buy it broken!
 Galadriel sorting out the good rubble from the bad.
 Frodo's Tenochtitlan Aztec Temple where the Catholic Battle took place to rid the idea of human sacrifice.  
 Merry and Pippin (with some design help from Frodo... it was the "family" division) did a rendition of the Legend of St. Brendan.
 Fr. Rick was the judge.
The end.

1 comment:

  1. Brrrr, jackets and bare feet??? I just couldn't do it!
