December 18, 2016

Poppy's Confirmation

 Congratulations Poppy "Lucy" on your Confirmation!
(as well as many friends and relatives!)
 Practice before the Confirmation.  That's Fr. Z, leading.  If you are not familiar with his blog, you should be.

 We started the evening with a Solemn High Mass with Fr. Z, Fr. A, and Fr. I.

 Singing of the Gloria (it was the Feast of St. Andrew)
 Singing of the Epistle
Singing of the Gospel

 Fr. Z gave a great homily, as is always expected with him.  He spoke about Confirmation and in particular the virtue/gift of Fortitude which we need to do battle against the world, the flesh and the devil, even to martyrdom.  He spoke about St. Andrew who was a martyr who was crucified on a cross the shape of an "X", the first letter for Christ in Greek (I believe).  St. Andrew said, at the sight of the cross:  (I had to look this up, so hopefully have it all correct), "O precious cross, which I have so long desired, so truly loved, so ceaselessly sought; at last I find thee prepared to receive me. Take me away from the world, and unite me again with my Lord, that He who has redeemed me on thee, may again receive me by thee." Fortitude is deepened with Confirmation and gives us what we need to undertake great things no matter the obstacles.

I just loved this!  The humility! The honor given to our Blessed Mother!  This is our bishop who is such a blessing and Fr. Z.

 The Bishop spoke about how, through the gifts at Confirmation we will be able to survive and conquer.  Nothing that happens in life can defeat us in Christ. We are never a loser if we remember to turn to Jesus and ask for the gifts of Confirmation when needed.  Pray hard! Daily remember that we are confirmed. Remember you have the strength to get through and you will conquer in Christ Jesus.

Samwise was a proxy for a couple of boys whose sponsors were not able to make it.
He was also sponsor to a darling boy from our parish TLM.  Congratulations "Michael"!

Aragoran was sponsor for said boy's father, "Nicholas", congratulations!

Frodo was sponsor for our friends' son. Congratulations "John the Baptist"!

I was sponsor for "Monica"; Congratulations!

Galadriel was sponsor for the daughter of friends of ours. Congratulations "Rosalia"!

Eowyn was sponsor for Poppy. Congratulations "Lucy"!  She has loved St. Lucy for as long as I can remember.

*smack* :D

Our God Daughter was confirmed as well.  
Then the Bishop spoke to the sponsors and parents about our serious responsibility to be a good example and encourage our confirmandi and children to avoid evil, to run away from evil. Be good examples and avoid evil in our culture, the evil that is all over the place. Help them to learn how dangerous it is to flirt with evil. Teach them the Catholic Faith.

Congrats to all and thank you to our awesome Bishop Morlino!

Yes, Samwise in a suit... rare photo.


  1. The Confirmation was very beautiful! I can't say the same for any of the pictures of me.

  2. "The Bishop spoke about how, through the gifts at Confirmation we will be able to survive and conquer. Nothing that happens in life can defeat us in Christ. We are never a loser if we remember to turn to Jesus and ask for the gifts of Confirmation when needed. Pray hard! Daily remember that we are confirmed. Remember you have the strength to get through and you will conquer in Christ Jesus." Thank you. I appreciate your writing this because it was just what I needed to read in these wee, small hours.

