May 30, 2021

Happy 8th Birthday Kili and Mother's Day


We pulled out the beautiful cradle that Pop (Aragorn's father) made before Sam (our first baby) was born. Time for grandbabies to start using it. Apparently bumpers are not "safe". Well, I had 12 babies and all were safe with their bumper pads, so methinks my grandbabies can use them, too, if they be so inclined to actually sleep at our house! HA! 

I went to an early Mass where Fr. Z gave a most excellent sermon... best homilist of our day.. in my little world. Then I went to a "moms-on-the-mats" work out. We had a GREAT time. Lots of laughs, we broke boards, did some exercising and enjoyed camaraderie. 

Then, since I needed to go back to my parish to take care of the roses from the Mother's Day sale, I met with my knitting guru. She once again had to tear out my errors! 😂 When I knit correctly, my stitches are nice and neat, but when I mess up.... I really mess up. I guess I'm just creative that way!

Everyone, except Galadriel and Celeborn, were home for Mother's Day! At this point my grandbaby was 2-1/2 months old. 

There was also a mystery guest as there often is at our house. One just never knows.

Who doesn't like a carwash... actually, some of my kids don't. What's wrong with them?

Bilbo likes them. I don't know, it's an oddity but there is just something we like about a car wash.

This was the front of a birthday card from a friend. I laughed fit to be tied. But in addition to being funny, it's actually a seed packet. You soak it overnight and then plant it. Brilliant!

A friend took me out for our favorite spring rolls and a knitting session for my birthday.

These are the best ever. Down on the square in Madison in front of St. Paul's. We ate at some tables elsewhere. Down on the Terrace you had to wear a mask and show proof of vaccination. Really?! Seriously?! I'm going to cling to my HIPPA rights. None of your business! 

The beautiful little wee hat is finished!!! 

I went out for Sushi with a few friends. I'm not much of a beer drinker (actually can't stand the stuff) so I bought this Japanese soda. It has a marble in it and you have to push it down. The soda was unique and very tasty.
Lily of the Valley were in season! My favorite! The scent is just terrifically lovely!

Kili requested one of my ice cream cakes for his birthday cakes. It's a delicious DQ copy cat recipe! And very good! The key, of course, is good quality ice cream!

I love the flowers of children! :)

Our beautiful trillium were in bloom!

I've been working on decluttering. I'm saving before and after photos for a future post. They are hysterical!\
We bought 10 turkeys to raise for Thanksgiving. 


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