May 20, 2018

A First Confession and a Happy Birthday

 Marigold went in to be "tested" for her First Holy Communion and afterward received her First Confession. However, the surprise came when Kili decided he also had to go to Confession. After discussing it with him he seemed far more in tune with sin than Marigold so I let him go in (thinking he was just going to say hello or something). Well, afterwards I was not sure whether he had made is First Confession or not so had to embarrassingly ask our priest. Sure enough. He had indeed made his first Confession. He came out and was gleeful and said he wanted to go back in. I said he had to wait a few days at least. He sat and thought for a moment and then said, "Oh, I forgot to say that when I was a baby I chewed on toys, I better go back in and tell him!"  (Oh. My.)
 Still trying to find *normal* jeans for my boys and Walmart has every shape and size, ankle and thigh but nothing that resembles normal jeans.
 Just sayin' it was 34 degrees but a day or two before it was 84.
 This was a first, I stapled my shirt to one of the booklets I was stapling.  From the land of bizarro.
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMWISE!!! (this photo was taking "up and down" on my phone, I don't like the shape of the body as it makes for a malnourished look, a look I'd like but not on someone who is thin but I kept this photo because it made me laugh.. see Frodo Foto Bomb)
 Sam is now 22 years old!
 There was a free parents night out at our TKD school. Merry, Pippin, Bilbo, Poppy, and Marigold attended.
 Marigold joined TKD along with Eowyn and myself at the beginning of May.

Happy Mother's Day!
Awesome Mother's Day meal!  
Cooking up under the broiler... oh... yum!

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