June 10, 2020

Signs of the Times and Wedding Times

 stick insect

 just admiring Aragorn's parking job!😂

 sign of the times, every other pew roped off

 sign of the wedding times... amazon daily delivery

 midnight-ish delivery of a door

 decorating the blessed candles from Candlemas

 attire in church similar to Italy

 scaffolding going up on the church

 maid of honor floral

 garden is growing

 storm watching

 decorating the drive-thru reception boxes

 shirt at walmart reminded me of shirts in the 70's when I was a kid 😂 is that something we want a repeat of?

 my 2 bandits shopping with me at Costco where masks are required.

 flowers for the blessed mother

 not exactly the way we wanted our church to be decorated for the wedding! 😂

 chocolate steps

 first time back on the mats - social distancing, getting temperature taken, hand sanitizer, but at least we are back on the mats.. part time

 hm, calvin and hobbes, hm...

 party favors

 Merry participated in a Class "V" tournament ("V" = virtual)
 He only competed in form
 after an excellent performance of his form he came in first

 wedding mess and more wedding mess and some keva planks mixed in

 wedding booklets printed and tied up with ribbon

 more wedding mess

 door project

 Samwise: What on earth is on the little girls' ceiling?! (some kind of science experiment)

 share the road

 we weren't burning, we were just having s'mores

 how many does it take to hold down a 7 year old to remove a tiny sliver?

 the school I used to work at. The beautiful fatima garden was gorgeous


 baby racoons outside our church

 due to an infection Poppy had a baby tooth extracted and a spacer put in

 afterward we went over to the grocery store to get some soft foods for her. incidentally the grocery store only wanted 1 person per family, 1 cart per family, and 1 trip per week per family. if I did all my shopping at this store I would have needed 3 carts per week. 😒 we were soaked all the way through even though we had umbrellas on our way into the store. when we got out the roads were flooded.

 meanwhile back home, Eleanor was working on the St. Francis garden

 Poppy's garden is doing great. The lattice is to keep a deluge of rain coming off the roof from flooding it. The idea was to grow ivy over it but it has never grown... of course this year we didn't plant any so probably doesn't grow that way...

 a garden box was added into the door project

10 days until wedding day, but who's counting?

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