December 15, 2021

Thanksgiving Weekend


Hunting Season was upon us

While hunting they found this huge snapping turtle shell.

Fun times with grandbabies (nieces/nephews)

Just a sampling of Belladonna's amazing crocheting!


Rosie made a cute Advent track

Eleanor got her first deer... and the first deer of the season

I had bought this interesting basket as I thought it was cute and would make a nice thing to hold school pencils and such. It wasn't really all that great for that. One day we were watching an old Twillight Zone and there was a man holding just this same basket, one half was for nuts the other half for shells. Never know what you will learn in the Twilight Zone.

That's some bow!!! 💖😂 too cute!!

Goldilocks admiring Cassandra's bow, Cassandra admiring Goldilocks curls.

FG1 - total cuteness!
Goldilocks and Uncle Frodo playing. So cute!!!

The turkey turned out perfectly. So juicy! Took 3-1/2 hours in our commercial oven to cook this 28 pound bird.

Someone has been working on artistic skills ???!

Galadriel left Goldilocks for the first time! They were gone shopping for 4 hours. 

She had just a wee bottle. I believe by this time she was confused and ready for mom but she held on and did great! 

Venison butchering. We made it into ground and sausage.

I didn't capture the moment fast enough but Kili was being followed by the goats. Very cute.

Fresh silage delivery

A couple beautiful works made by my Grandma. The above is a cross stitch made just before Sam was born in 1996, below is an irish knit sweater she made. I cannot remember how I got this!

Wish we had a live-in hair dresser for more timely hair cuts!

Trying out an old bathtub. Goldilocks loved it!

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