July 17, 2024

2024 - July 14 - Mount Vernon


Mount Vernon - George Washington's home and burial place was AMAZING! Temperature 100+ degrees and was walked about 5 miles. (including the morning 6-1/2 miles)

We were able to get a tour inside part of the mansion (the cellar and east wing were under reconstruction)

Men's slave quarters

women's slave quarters

This presentation was excellent! He spoke about why George Washington is one of the most revered men in history. He spoke about fashion in both clothing and bearing. It was so good! 

The ice house

George and Martha Washington's original burial place
(along with 20 members of their family)

In his will is requested a different site for his tomb.

Here is where he is buried

The barns

slave cabin


George and Martha Washington had no children of their own but raised Martha's 2 children from a previous marriage (widowed)

Later that evening my cousin MP and her brother D came to visit (we stayed at my sister's house) with some of their kids. It had been many years since we had seen each other in real life.

2nd cousins picture (first cousin picture will be posted later)

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