July 4, 2024

2024 - June 14 - Old World Wisconsin and Much Ado About Nothing APT


Old World Wisconsin

They now have a brewery with a free sample.
It's old time beer, I guess.

IT was a gorgeous day, albeit hot.

Catholic Church

General Store

Making a wheel

Sodas at the inn

new shoes

washing laundry
(and desiring we did it this way?!)

making butter

pumping water... or no water

I think it was called carding the wool

wall paper
I remember my mom wallpapering

Riding the "3-legged" bike as Marigold called it.

Later that day the 3 girls and I went to American Players Theater
We picnicked first (with the mosquitoes)

Much Ado about Nothing was fabulous.
I cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard.

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