July 8, 2024

2024 - July 7 - 8 - Happy Birthday Rosie - Sunny Skaneateles

Happy birthday, Rosie!

Our firecracker God son. 💖

Sunday we went to Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Byzantine Divine Liturgy.

Awww! A song we used to sing about St. Nicholas in Ukrainian when I was in school at SsPP

Lake time

Nieces L&S

Mom and Dad are looing great!

I'm patient with 1 thing... sunsets :)

We celebrated Rosie's birthday, too :)
Not sure what's up with the faces 😂

I met with my beautiful, devout Confirmation sponsor after probably 35+ years!

Getting ready for boat time, blowing up the tube

Niece E


The Judge Ben Wiles

My cousin's bnb


Yes, another beautiful sunset :)

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