We did it! I earned my first degree black belt and Frodo earned his 3rd degree black belt. Rosie also mid-termed.
I. Am. So. Sore.
8:00 am - 9:30 - ran the hill, kicks, ran the hill, punches, burpees (30!), push ups, form, etc, etc, etc...
9:30 - 10:00 (or less) ran (walked, lumbered, and jogged) 1.2 miles to the Tae Kwon Do school. 1/2 hour break to change into uniform.
10:30 - 11:30 am belt test - form twice, sparring 4 rounds, board breaks (I did a left (weak) side elbow strike, and ax kick, Stephen did 3 board breaks))
Went home and swam, ate lunch, showered, complained I was sore.
3:00-5:00 Gala. I only had to perform my form on stage in front of the some 150 people audience (I think that is the number I heard). Frodo had to perform his form, sparring, and 2 board breaks.
We then had a very special ceremony and received our black belts - several times had to hold back the tears, it was very emotional. We had to dedicate our test to someone. I chose my son Merry as he has helped me so much to get to this point. I also thanked my husband for being such a good provider and making this all possible. The support, kindness, and love in our school is very special.

Rosie performed her form for a mid term
My Baby and My Grandbaby 😂
Rosie also had to perform her weapon form (bo staff). I was definitely unable to get the bo staff down, but at least that isn't necessary for a belt test, just mid term!!
Rosie and I were in the same quad for sparring. We each had to spar e5ach person in our group. Later 4 of us in the session had to spar a 4th time.
Rosie and I sparring
Frodo also had to do alot of sparring. His was pretty doggone intense!! Fun to watch!
For my board break I did a left (weak side) elbow strike and a right leg ax kick. Broke them! The elbow strike I ended up hitting one of the instructors in the gut (not hard! just the follow through)
The ax kick splintered into a bunch of pieces. I'm sorry for the instructor who got a piece in his eye :(
We were home for a couple hours. During our lunch outdoors we found there were alot of yellow jackets (argh) and we had already sprayed them. So a contest is in progress, who can build the best wasp catcher... Kili put some onion and club crackers and cactus honey in his. 😂
Soapy bucket with some meat ???
Not sure what this goop is.
Christmas bucket with something under it.
Gatorade bottle.
3:00-5:00 Gala. What a very special event. It started with a video (we testers have not yet watched it as we were behind the stage). Mr. Moh took all our black belt videos and narrowed them down to one 8 minute video. I can hardly wait to watch it.
There were 18 testers. 3 were going for 3rd degree, 4 or 5 going for 2nd degree, and 11 or 12 going for 1st degree.
Demo team did a performance together followed by some individual demos. Great job!
3rd degree form
I was in the first group of 1st degree testers. We had to perform 41 moves. To get to 2nd degree I'll need to perform (after a number of mid-terms) the rest of the form which is 81 moves. My goal was to learn all 81 moves before my 1st degree black belt so I can compete. I did it! I need to perfect it to competition ability but was glad I did it!
Candle and Soap Ceremony - the owner of our school read a beautiful and true story about the candle and the soap. I hope to get a copy and will post it.
Next set of photos from the same day on a different camera. we had several going.
Mr. R performing his 3rd degree form.
His son J performing his creative form.
Miss S performing her 3rd degree bo staff
Mr. B performing his kamas form. He is SOOOO good!
program (kinda crumpled)
soap and candle
What a day! I. Am. So. Sore. But what fun! It's hard to believe that someone at my age could earn a black belt! It's been an intense journey.