January 27, 2019

Happy Birthday Frodo

 We took Frodo out for his 19th birthday to Samba for Brazillian food.
 He wasn't quite sure about it at this point.

 We watched the lunar eclipse but picture taking with a phone is less than ideal. But I liked the reflection through the icicles hanging off the roof.

 We had a very late night birthday celebration, during the lunar eclipse as that is when the other kids returned from the March for Life a day late due to snow storms. However, this is applicable as he was born at the peak of a lunar eclipse.

 Marigold was playing with my hair and needed to take photos. I will only post 3 (not 30).

 She was, afterall, very proud of her hair decorating skills.

 We had a nice snowstorm which dropped quite a bit of snow on us,  We ended up with about 11 inches of snow between those 2 storms. There is a big one coming tonight with promises of 5-12 more inches of snow. If predictions are correct, our area (north of Madison) is in the "more snow" area. I like snow (just not on the roads for my teen and tween drivers to maneuver)

 We have had very frigid Arctic weather with promises of -55 (minus 55) degrees below zero wind chills (-25 regular temperature) this week. I even saw -68 degrees. Yea, it's cold. Galadriel even decided she needed to put on a jacket over her fleece. My kids decided they needed something on their feet to go outside now. Such a disappointment to them.
 We brought a birthday lunch over to grandma (Shrimp Fajatas). This cake was so pretty and reminded me of a beautiful wedding we went to in October.

 I attended a baby shower, it was so nice to get out with other mom!
I guess that's all I took for photos... busy talking holding babies haha! Prayers for the expectant mother who is expecting twin boys due in April!

January 20, 2019

Project and Things

 Out shopping and found this beauty. We thought Rosie might like it... or not... However, I am not the fashion police so...
 Working on a puppet show... marionettes of some kind? It was entertaining.

 Chic matching chicks
 Our bookshelf project is coming along.

 Sweet couple

 Not so sweet couple, but the food was good.

 Driving around while waiting for said sweet couple after a nice dinner out with that not so sweet couple.
 Merry participating in the "Bradley Bunch", 2 hour weekly competition training for the next couple of months.
 My legs ached just wathing it.

 Working on a ladder for said bookshelves.
 One of the banties (bantams)
 Kili answering the door of the little playhouse Frodo built, it was very important I use the knocker.
 Geese. I do hope they are flying north for the spring... I think they picked a bad time if they did as it was 3 below zero with a 20ish below windchill. Yeah, it's cold out.
 Finally got a decent amount of snow. Probably 4ish inches.

Waking up on his birthday to do chores in sub-zero weather, there was a deep desire for some nice hot coffee (if coffee is nice?). However, our coffee maker as well as 3 other kids were stuck in Washington DC due to the storms that went through. So we did our best to try and make some coffee for him, but it was somewhat of a fail. He did get a nice hot breakfast to do with the mediocre coffee. Birthday to be continued....

January 13, 2019

St. Veronica of Rome

Our Lady told St. Veronica of Milan:  “My daughter, do not be anxious, it will be sufficient for you to know the three letters that I bring you from heaven.  The first is purity of heart, which makes us love God above all things; you must have only one love, that of My Son.  The second is not to murmur against the faults of your neighbor, but to support them with patience and pray for the one in question. The third is to meditate every day on the Passion of Jesus Christ, who accepts you for His spouse.”