On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, following our children's choir Mass, I was blessed to attend the beautiful traditional Baptism of my friend's first grandbaby.
Following the Baptism reception we went to an extended family Christmas party. All cousins were in attendance.
This year the meal was set up buffet style... and what a buffet!
Marigold pleased as ever, it doesn't get much better than cousins... food and cookies... in abundance.
The traditional family Christmas poppers which adorn the tables every year.
In some families there is a "Disney Dad", in our extended family there is a "Disney Aunt" who always comes up with the funnest things to do. The games were absolutely hilarious and everyone loved it!
Trying to draw pictures on a paper plate upon one's head makes for some very interesting and exceptionally humorous art work.
The unravelling of the goodie-ball quick as possible before someone rolls doubles on the dice.
The making of human snowmen.
We had some pretty sharp snowmen thereabouts.
One cousin was pondering the results of this next game.
Balloon reindeer antlers.
Tots and balloons again....
The plethora of desserts including a most delicious trifle... not pictured.
A day at grandma's is never complete without dress-ups.
Poppy wasn't thrilled or anything!