January 20, 2015

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Participants from Trinity Acres............
Eowyn - elf, 
Frodo - Karl the tailor as well as a refugee.
Rosie & Merry - refugees.

We'd love to see you there!

January 4, 2015

The Ordinary during the Christmas Season

 Kili pleased as punch.  The whole get up didn't come out on pictures, he was clad in just a diaper and Marigold's winter boots, he resembled Paddington Bear.
 Eleanor snitching time with the luxuriously beautiful sheepskin muff my friend gave me.
 Pepper's Christian name is Perpetua.

 Other than balloons, nothing beats a tot's desire to get ahold of "electronical" devices.

 Emperor Kili
 You know it is getting cold when there is no face in the abominable snow creatures.  Tonight's wind-chill temperatures are expected to plummet to 20-33 degrees below zero.
 Dr. Who cookies
 Just a quick peek to what goes on behind the scenes in helping with a choir.... or two... you should see the other gal!
 Rosie and Eleanor sporting their ear bands my sister sent from Germany. If there is one thing that really annoys me in pictures is when someone does "bunny ears".  I think I might be the only person on the planet who doesn't find it humorous.
 Hauling wood is not the sport of choice but has to be done anyway.

 After a handful of years, I finally decided to pull out the beautiful, white, ceramic Nativity set that my confirmation sponsor made for me as a gift on the day of my Confirmation.

On Feast of the Holy Innocents

On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, following our children's choir Mass, I was blessed to attend the beautiful traditional Baptism of my friend's first grandbaby.  

Following the Baptism reception we went to an extended family Christmas party. All cousins were in attendance. 

 This year the meal was set up buffet style... and what a buffet!
 Marigold pleased as ever, it doesn't get much better than cousins... food and cookies... in abundance.
 The traditional family Christmas poppers which adorn the tables every year.
 In some families there is a "Disney Dad", in our extended family there is a "Disney Aunt" who always comes up with the funnest things to do.  The games were absolutely hilarious and everyone loved it!
 Trying to draw pictures on a paper plate upon one's head makes for some very interesting and exceptionally humorous art work.
 The unravelling of the goodie-ball quick as possible before someone rolls doubles on the dice.
 The making of human snowmen.

 We had some pretty sharp snowmen thereabouts.

 One cousin was pondering the results of this next game.
 Balloon reindeer antlers.

 Tots and balloons again....
 The plethora of desserts including a most delicious trifle... not pictured.
 A day at grandma's is never complete without dress-ups.
Poppy wasn't thrilled or anything!

Christmas Day

 This year's ticklish ornament was one of a family of 14. I suppose it is meant for grandparents with grandchildren, but fits our family! :D
 Waiting patiently while the big boys do the chores to open presents.
 Large numbers of people create a large pile even when everyone only gets a couple items.  That said, I remember when I was a child friend getting-getting-getting far more than I had ever seen. I cannot fathom buying and wrapping so many gifts.
 Of course, THIS is the most important part of the day... the coming of Christ.
 Our Nativity set continues to grow.  Some of the village is underneath the table. Next year we will have to figure out how to put it all on the same plane.  This year's additions included Angel Gabriel and a little angel (that came as a free gift). My mom added the weaving shop and the shepherd, Matthew.
 Still waiting.....

 Here they come!
 Rosie had a creative gift that kept Kili very busy during the long process of opening gifts, one or two or three at a time depending on what gifts went together.
 Balloons... life doesn't get better for a tot than a life with balloons.  Or as my cousin used to say "ba-yoons"
 Christmas without a doll just wouldn't be Christmas. Marigold was delighted.
Aragorn found this really amazing (used) trainset, the boys have spent hours with this.

 Frodo had decorated his room with greenery hanging from the ceiling with Baby Jesus in a cradle of greens. It was precious!