September 4, 2016

Mushrooms, Pumpkins, Kick Off and Junk

 That is one big yard mushroom!

 Giant pumpkin, one approx. 500 pounds so far

 giant corn and a pretty yellow squash plucked from the neighbor's garden... with permission... :D
 While sorting books, I had visitors
 Chippy is what I loving call Kili... I think he'd make a better president than the candidates we've got going... even if he is only 3.
 We had our homeschooling groups annual Kick off Mass & Picnic. It was extraordinarily well attended. All 200 chairs set up were used I believe!

 Pippin sky high.
 Eowyn on her first day of her new job. She is a teacher's aide at a local Catholic School. It's such a blessing! Deo Gratias!

 A splendid St. Vincent find.
 First Day back to Enrichment Activities at Holy Family Homeschoolers.

 While some of the boys were at karate a few of us walked along the river... enjoying a delicious smoothie... or was it a slushie?

 Our neighbor's needed a tree cut down so we helped.... and got some wood out of the deal. Sam counted 382 rings.  That would make the tree "born" somewhere around 1634. Just imagine, one of the Missionaries of old may have walked along that very tree.  Thrilling
 Cow Chip Throw Parade

 I love a good marching band.
 This is for Sam... what is that blow thing that shot out a t-shirt?
 Merry & Bilbo in the parade
 I snapped the picture just as Pippin was throwing tootsie rolls. Which is what looks to be all over his face, as opposed to some rare disease!
 A 3-toed tree toad?

 Soon to be famous since 1980 haha!!!

 My friend said she saw this clown make the sign of the Cross before he started riding.  Bless his heart!

 Working on some new shed or other...

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