July 23, 2018

Fr. Peter Lee First Mass and Happy Birthdays Merry and Rosie

Newly ordained Fr. Peter Lee celebrated his first Mass at St. Mary's Pine Bluff.
My view from the choir loft

While I was singing with the choir for Fr. Peter Lee's First Mass, Frodo was having a TKD midterm.

Frodo keeping his opponent on his toes.
Back at Mass, the Bishop was present with his cappa magna (great cape)

First Blessings
Happy Birthday, Merry!

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
It's always delightful to see family in a play! 
We were thrilled!
Just about everyone was in the pool on this particular hot day
This rooster loves to stand right outside our window and cock-a-doodle-doo (though they really don't make that sound they say er-er-er-er -errrrr) The rooster clock goes off abou 4:11 every day... I'm feeling like a good chicken soup...
It was very hot so we set up one of our (many) old trampolines to give the duckies a little shade. A comfortable duck tastes so much better than one that was partially baked in the sun :D

We now have 10 piglets.  And they were NOT thrilled to be carried to their pen. I was very helpful by taking photos. My how they screamed.

No piggies were harmed during this feat, but some boys were exhausted.

So, some new books arrived and Bilbo promptly ate some packing peanuts. I was rather aghast. He said that he and Poppy always do that.  Oh. My.
I was tickled to see this picture of St. Mark's Venice!! I wanted to buy it but where would I put it.  Having been there, I *really* wanted it. But alas, we just don't have wall space.
tickle, tickle, tickle
I really like my turkeys!
elephant ears

 petting a cow

 how to fix a fence... in case you didn't know how.
 Found this awesome desk for Sam.  Solid oak.  It was priced at a thrift shop for $176 (marked down from $275). As I admired it an employee approached me and said in a whisper, "If you ask the manager I'm sure you could dicker the price down to $150."  So I sent Sam a photo and he said he'd definitely take it. (much needed) So I approach said employee and said we'd take it for $150. He went and talked to the manager. Employee came back and said, "She agreed to sell it to you for $135."  Huh?! Ok, sure, we'll take it. I hate dickering (never do it) but was thrilled someone else did on my behalf. It's a beautiful desk!

 Fourth of July party at our good friends' house! Having fun in the pool....
 ... and at the pool table.

 One of our friend's was there with their 5 day old baby.
 balloons making
(not that they were making balloons,
just things made out of balloons)
 We were very grateful for the storm that came through to bring some nice cool air.

 Setting off some old fireworks.

 Desk is slowing but surely getting set up
 We had a friend over for some swimming.

 Methinks driving with one's foot out the window is not very safe....
 Happy Birthday, Rosie!!!

 Seriously, I bought ONE kind of zucchini seed. The ordinary kind. And in addition to ordinary zucchinis we have a plethora of these things.   Someone had a party while packaging seeds apparently.

 Frodo has been working on a play house in hopes of selling them.


 We had one of my former students over with his son for some play time.

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