October 28, 2018

Belt Test - Pro-Life - Trunk or Treat

 How in the world can we have 800 cats and mice got in the house?  :D Suddenly the kids stop feeding the cats and the mice population goes down. Funny how that works!
 Kili's first belt test.  Watching the Tigers is very therapeutic. They are so very funny and adorable.

 Note, I'm the one sitting like a black belt :D
 Fitness test

 You can see a video of his form at the bottom. Too cute!


 Next was white to yellow belts so Marigold and I had our test.

 Full moon on the horizon, photos don't do justice.

 The next day the others took their belt test

 Rosie and Eleanor had to break boards since they are brown belts.  They did an awesome job with the flying side kick.

 We needed a spot to clean off the pool cover so the roof of the carport was the largest spot.


 We did an hour-1/2 of prayer at Planned Parenthood to save babies. It was a very touching thing. May God have mercy.

Right across the street is the beautiful women's care center.
 Our Taekwondo school had a "trunk or treat" so for funsies we went.... as Hobbit/LOTR theme.  Eoywn painted the Hobbit Hole.




Kili's form

White to yellow belt form

Merry and Pippin sparring