December 23, 2018

Third Week of Advent - Gaudete Sunday - Happy Birthday Bilbo

 The Third Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday. The Latin word "Gaudete" is taken from the Introit from the Traditional Latin Mass.  Gaudete means "Rejoice", hence the rose color.

 My view from the choir loft where our Young Ladies sang. 
I like taking a picture on "Rose" Sunday as it is one of only 2 times a year that the priest wears rose colored vestments.

Happy 11th Birthday, Bilbo!!! 
Bilbo is a jolly little fellow and joy to be around!

Set for Christmas at our church. It's beautiful!

When I went looking for our Christmas tree I found this blow up outhouse.
And look who popped out. Have you ever seen anything as ridiculous?! Oh wait... next photo...
We received a Christmas package from a vendor. In all my 49 years I have never had spam.  The idea was an anacronym SPAM - support products American made.   Let me tell you, this stuff is disgusting.
But I was told that it is used for carving contests. While I googled in disbelief, Aragorn made this sculpture.   We even tried to cook the stuff.  Nope. No. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. One of the ingredients, I kid you not, is "mechanically separated chicken". Who isn't tempted by that?!

Belt tests again...

Eowyn earned her sparring gear!

The loathed fit test.  (haha)

8 of us tested camo to red

Rosie with her plethora of belts!
She and Eleanor are now red belts!

 Kili helping with wood.

 I took Poppy and Marigold over to a good friend's house. A man in California had sent her a beautiful Victorian Dollhouse which she was giving us to put in our home.  The couple in CA do this project in their retirement. He wires them with real lights and she decorates.

 Hello good friend G!
 Meanwhile a squirrel was seen eating a hot dog in this bush. Seriously!  By the time I got the phone out to take a photo and all that I captured was his tail as he jumped on the roof *snap*

 We are doll house and doll lovers! 

 Isn't it adorable?!
 Then we helped her put up her Christmas decor. These lovely pieces were made by her talented grandfather (or was it dad), hoo boy? My memory is going.
 We helped her put up her Charlie Brown Christmas tree which is actually a feather tree made of goose feathers! It was originally her grandmothers, so it about 100 years old!! Golly, they knew how to build things then as our fake tree didn't last even 10 years...

 We had such a fun afternoon starting with a delicious homemade soup, homemade bread and a salad.  Oh. Yum. Can't wait for the recipe!

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