September 8, 2020

BEWARE: Butchering Post

BEWARE: Butchering post - not for the faint of heart or people who think food just comes from the grocery store.

The first butchering of what is remaining of our nightmare batch of chickens was 2 days after the wedding. (yeah, I'm tired!)
A chicken plucker is a must-have. We borrow our neighbor's. They are just that kind of neighbor.
My chickens were so fat we needed larger "kill cones"
Master butcher

boiling pot for dunking.

Legs come off

Pressing a tendon makes the feet move.
Missed some photos. They are then dunked into cold water, then gutted, then put in ice cold water (literally with ice)
Then bagged. It was very hard to get most of the chickens in the bags as they were so big. The largest was 11.9 pounds! The smallest was about 7.5 pounds. 
Eowyn would jump up and down to get the things in. The really big ones we had to take off the legs and wings. So we have bags of legs, bags of wings, and bags with legless,wingless bodies.

We also did a couple turkeys (25 pounds and 27 pounds) come Thanksgiving we hope we have 1 that is close to 50 pounds.
These egg things are supposedly a delicacy. Frodo said they are definitely not!

Later that day there was gizzard and heart cleaning. Some friends like gizzards. Others do not!

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