June 29, 2014

Corpus Christi

 You want me to tell you why God is to be loved and how much? I answer, the reason for loving God is God Himself; and the measure of love due to Him is immeasurable love.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
 Drying out rose and peony petals for the Corpus Christi Procession.
 I was able to snitch a number of pictures from our parish website dropbox to complete the few I was able to take.  Trying to take a picture and sing at the same time is a feat I have been unable to accomplish well.

 We had nearly 25 altar boys and altar angels.

 We have the best organist/director ever!  Extremely talented and the faith and virtue to go along with it.  Makes for a perfect person to build a beautiful musical repertoire fitting for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

 My Lord and My God!
 My Lord and My God!
 We were blessed to have 8 First Communicants celebrate their very special day on Corpus Christi.

 Prayer in Reparation
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly, and I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. And by the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor spinners. Amen.

May Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised, adored, and loved, with grateful affection, at every moment in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time!  O Sacrament Most
Holy! O Sacrament divine! All praise and All thanksgiving be every moment Thine.

 We had 21 flower girls spreading petals before the Blessed Sacrament.


 The Investiture in the Brown Scapular.
Take this Scapular, it shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of peace. Whosoever dies wearing this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire. Wear it  devoutly and perseveringly. It is my garment. To be clothed in it means you are continually thinking of me, and I in turn, am always thinking of you and helping you to secure eternal life. Our Lady of Mount Carmel

P.  Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy.  R. And grant us Thy salvation.
P. Lord, hear my prayer.  R. And let my cry come unto Thee.
P. The Lord be with you.  R. And with your Spirit.
P. Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, sanctify † by Thy power these
scapulars, which for love of Thee and for love of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Thy
servants will wear devoutly, so that through the intercession of the same Virgin Mary,
Mother of God, and protected against the evil spirit, they persevere until death in Thy
grace. Thou who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

The Priest then sprinkles with Holy Water the scapular and the persons being enrolled. 
He then invests them, saying:Receive this blessed scapular and beseech the Blessed Virgin that through Her merits, you may wear it without stain. May it defend you against all adversity and accompany you to eternal life. Amen.

After the investiture the priest continues with the prayers:
I, by the power vested in me, admit you to participate in all the spiritual benefits obtained through the mercy of Jesus Christ by the Religious Order of Mount Carmel. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.May God Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and earth, bless you, He who has deigned to join you to the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel; we beseech Her to crush the head of the ancient serpent so that you may enter into possession of your eternal heritage through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The priest then sprinkles again with Holy Water the persons enrolled.

 Following the beautiful Corpus Christi Mass and Procession we had one of our splendid potlucks, organized by the families of the First Communicants.  We are fairly well-known (amongst ourselves) for our splendid potlucks.

 Faith, Food and Fun a perfect combination.
 Marigold sporting the gorgeous dress given to her by a dear friend. Little did said friend know 3 years ago that she would be wearing this as a flower girl in our Corpus Christi procession!  I've no doubt she'd have been inspired that way!
 Marigold and Poppy

 21 flower girls makes for alot of petals!
Building beautiful friendships and camaraderie.

1 comment:

  1. God is SO good! These are so beautiful--thanks for sharing! At the Abbey where my son is a seminarian, they have a beautiful Corpus Christi procession after Vespers every year (in the hopes that it will be a bit cooler than after 11am Mass). The seminarians set up 4 beautiful altars and we climb up and down hills in the open country with the Sisters (Rosarian Dominicans) strewing the rose petals before the Blessed Sacrament--so beautiful! This year however, our son was on his home visit on the Feast of Corpus Christi and for various reasons (rush hour traffic being one) we were not able to go to the Abbey so we attended Mass and Procession at one of the parishes staffed by the Norbertine Fathers that is a little closer. Again, 4 beautiful altars, but these were set up on the church grounds and in the parking lot. The church is in the middle of a city block with houses and apartments surrounding. It was about 8 pm and we had loud music from the surrounding apts., an ice cream truck blaring its music and even fireworks--the exploding in the sky kind---in the street (don't ask me where they got them, they are illegal in the city!) while we were trying to chant and adore the Blessed Sacrament! It was still beautiful of course---Our Lord was there!--but what a different experience. (-:
