October 28, 2017

Ups and Downs of Life

 Something's just not right about this picture.  Something about wanting to get as much rain in the skid loader...  Our duck shed in the background is taking shape.
 God child helping clean after a potluck.  Isn't she adorable?!
 Getting ready for the Hoe Down.

 Eowyn went as one of her "Justice Heroes"  (not to be confused with Super Heroes who wear their under wear over their outfit).

 Merry went as "Ben" from one of Eowyn's books.
 A cape can get you anywhere.
 We are accumulating a rather large configuration of costumes as Eowyn is writing her own rendition of Cinderella.  I don't know as this outfit has anything to do with Cinderella... just saying.
 Maddie Ross from True Grit... of course.
 There was a terrible car crash  a mile + up the road.  Please pray for the soul of this man.
 Birds out in the fields
 Lots of cops, the firemen, ambulance, etc... 
 We had driven by several times coming and going from various things.  It was all just so sad.
 Later we went for a walk and stopped to pay our respects.
 The very next day a reckless driver force Frodo off the road. 
 Thankfully it was just a battered truck.
 He even got a ride in a cop car (to show up the place he was run off the road and went careening into a tree.) Again, he's fine.
 Fuel up to $8.81 per gallon?!
 Need I say why no one was filling up? (at a station that is always packed). The truth of it is just that they were doing something to the sign, not that fuel is dueling Europe.
 Belt test! 

 Frodo was required to break boards in order to pass from Red belt decided (red with gold) to black belt recommended.  To challenge him on the spot he had to break a black board with is hand and break 2 brown boards held together with a round kick. "Permission to break boards, sir!"
 "Permission to break boards, team!"
After the forms, sparring, weapons and board breaks came the fitness.  I was happy enough to just take pictures.

Passing the test!

All passed to green belt except Frodo who passed to Black belt recommended. That means he trains with black belts but gets to do tournaments as a red belt.  He's hoping for a state champ title in the spring. We shall see. He has a class A tournament in a couple weeks which is larger than the class B ones.

Finally some black on my belt!
It was a great test!

Beware of the Taekwondo Kids.

Buddies and their awesome instructor.  One gets mighty motivated when your TKD buddies are fourth degree black belts!

Poppy thoroughly enjoys Taekwondo and is very proud of the belts she's earned.
I had gotten some silly putty for the younger ones (and no, it does not smell the same as it did when I was a kid...). Daniel made this thing and Marigold says, "Ewww, you made a germ!"  Bilbo retorts, "No, I didn't, it's guts."  Hello?!
Saw this set of Pfaltzgraff at a local St. Vinnies. This was the print we had when we first were married... of course we have none of it left... (ho hum). I was tempted to get this again but knew it would be "deja vu".
Looking for a new suit for Aragorn for the RSNA.  I thought this 3 piece suit would be seasonal...
Sucking the dents out of Frodo's truck.  It look less dented when they were finished and more rumpled.
The sky was gorgeous on our ride home from somewhere or other.  Photos don't do justice.

Family or friends must have tied this yellow ribbon around the tree the man died at. Please remember to pray for his soul. Eternal Rest grant unto him, O Lord.
Because we never quite have enough to do, we replaced our stoves with a big commercial one.
Little helper.

At the same time that project was going on we were preparing for the TKD trunk or treat. We had a great time putting our Lego Ninja trunk together. We always seem to have a great time if it has to do with a mess.

Pray tell, why do the same "flavors" of spray pain look entirely different?

Occupying the littles with stories.

Kili wanted to take our old stoves upstairs into the toy area to use as a kitchen set... ewww. Then he saw the beginnings of our legos and asked if this was our new stove.

At one point I came in from outside to this scene.
What kind of costume wouldn't have a supply of swords?
Iconic hands. It's what lego people have.

What is it with boys and photos.

Ice storm in the corner of Walmart?

Since someone (s) have complained about the lovely warm weather we had, it went 15 degrees colder than normal.  Brrr....! So we wore snow pants. Worked well for lego pants.

A very ticklishly exciting new stove.  We do meals like the army, hence the army size stove, complete with griddle.

Out in the frigid air for the parade of trunks. It was great fun!
Someone asked Frodo, "Who are you dressed up as?"  Frodo shrugged and the boy said, "Oh, you are a Lumber Jack!"
there were about 60 cars (give or take)

Someone is snitching candy!


  1. Oh my goodness, you are one busy family. I love, love, love your stove - and you certainly need the cooking space to cook and can for your crew. Enjoy.
    Gotta love the Lego costumes - so clever. Although i sew, I never liked Halloween - could never figure out a costume for me growing up or my son - though one year we recycled his "Mayor of Bethlehem" costume from the school Christmas play to become a wizard for Halloween - just added a hat with stars, a wand and a bag of glitter.
    Good luck to all your children with their TKD.

  2. We do have some of those dishes left. We have the big bowl in the cupboard and maybe the gravy boat too.
