June 3, 2018

Just May Stuff

 A few more of us joined Taekwondo forces.  Eowyn, naturally brings writing things. No missed opportunities for reading or writing for her!
 A dental visit.

 The trillium are up! 

 Hm, in case you wanted dto see what our driveway looks like, someone or other took a close-up... *shrug*
 Anyone looking to buy one of these? I'm selling! No one to fit in it any more!  Great condition!

 By the time I post, the lambs have grown quite a bit.

 Another month of bottle feeding until they are weaned.
 In the background, a 'homeless' person begging while talking on her cell phone. Huh?

 Another beautiful sunset
 I have dental phobia so I cringe
 The start of this day was pretty poor... and yes, I was making breakfast.  I dropped the whole box of eggs. Egg is very hard to get up. I tossed baking soda on it and it seemed to absorb it and help a bit.
 We took Marigold and Kili out for a birthday ice cream. They were very impressed with the ugly badger...

 Cotton candy with m&m's and marshmallows
Cotton candy with marshmallows and gummy bears.


 Kili taking a ride with Cousin "Baby J" in the baby cadillac :D

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