I enjoy putting together Easter Baskets for the children as it is a good time to refresh our art supplies, hair thingies and other funsies. This year I had Rosie and Eleanor paint letters for each child's first initial to put up back by the coat racks (though currently, as I type) they are dangling off their photos.
A local Catholic gift shop was going out of business and Pippin really, really, REALLY wanted some (unconsecrated) Communion hosts for practicing Mass. 100 for $5, who'd say no?
Marigold and Kili both gave me their stuffed bunnies and said they wanted them in their Easter baskets. Re-gifting to one's self, that's a new one.
A new pencil sharpener was a needed item, as well as multitudinous notebooks for journaling for Eowyn, of course...
5 of the 7 Taekwondo Kids were in a Holy Saturday tournament. Frodo has a belt on the wall since he's in leadership.
Bilbo was in the very first round so was the one in the family who had to make an adjustment, while the rest of us were able to watch and get our bearings straight. A tournament is alot of fun... and alot of noise.
The owner of our Karate (Taekwondo) school is an excellent man.
Bilbo doing his form
Bilbo received a spirit award for participation.
Warming up for the 2nd batch. Rosie, Merry and Pippin competed against each other with 2 others, one being a local fellow homeschooler we know.
Merry doing his form
Rosie doing her form
A friend at her form
Pippin at his form
Merry tied with someone so had to do a second round of his form.Next they performed with their weapon of choice, which were nunchucks for mine.
Award time!
Merry came in second on forms and second in weapons
Rosie came in first for forms and 3rd in weapons
Pippin came in 1st for weapons and 3rd in forms.
Congrats all!
We were proudly well represented with placement awards! Great job!Frodo's group was next, here he is in listening position.
We had left to get some lunch and when we got back Frodo had been asked to help with score keeping.
Waiting, waiting, waiting for Frodo's tournament turn.
Mr. Moh giving explanations.
Here is Frodo's group of competition. He has been in this school for 4 months and was competing against other men who had been in it for 2-1/2 years or more. Definitely very tough competition.
Frodo at his form.
Frodo sparring
Frodo at combat weapons.
Frodo came in 3rd in sparring and 3rd forms.
We stayed after while 2 of the young men black belts competed, they were amazing!
Looking at the pictures of your children dressed in their Tae kwan do finest, the song "Kung Foo Fighting" kept going through my head.