February 25, 2018

2018 Italy Day 3 - Seriate and Carnavale - Fat Tuesday

 We had a leisurely morning, actually I think every morning in Italy is leisurely :D
 Today I tried a delicious crescent filled with pistacchio cream.  Super sweet! Molto dolce!
 I took this as I thought their sink area was really neat. they had these awesome racks hanging on the wall and a built in drying rack. 
 Views out their door and off the wrap-around patio.

 Eda and I were going to head out. She didn't seem to think I should go out looking like a wet rat so she so kindly blow dried my hair. I cannot remember the last time I had my hair blow dried.  She gave me the lovely scarf in the photo.

 The only reason I took this photo was because there was a nun sitting on the bus. I wasn't trying to capture the next bus over.  However, it might note that many-a bus came rushing by when I went to take a picture of something!
We went by crowded "autobus" to Bergamo to Orio Center, their shopping mall. (Aragorn went to work with Massimo by car). 

 They definitely do a whole lot more walking in Italy than we do. Here we are about to go on the tunnel to get over to the mall.
 A giant lego shop.  My boys would have loved that. Here in America, I don't think boys outgrow legos.... ever... even if it is just a secret love for legos.
 Checking out the awesome Italian leather wallets "Wallit".  They were so nice!
 I kid you not, that leg up there is a denim high heeled boot. They definitely have some neat shoes in Italy. I really liked the pair of embroidered sneakers (not pictured).

 For lunch, Eda and I had Japonese.  I had Miso soup and a mix of 8 sushi.
 Views in the mall apparently it was butterfly day.

 Aragorn, however, for lunch had HORSE.  Seriously. I really felt as if that was a form of cannibalism. Poor horsey. :D
 After the Mass Eda and I headed over to "Caravale" for Fat Tuesday where her children were. It was held outside by the Orotorio San Giovanni Bosco.  The kids were all dressed up (think Halloween costumes), music, fried dough and lots and lots and lots of confetti. (Video below)

These gnomes made the fried dough. It is crispier than ours and not bready.  They use regular sugar, not powdered. It was very tasty.
 Valerio (11)
 Flavia (7)
 making fried dough
 Then the parade float full of people came and it was jam packed.
 Teens were singing and dancing on a stage. I tried to record the Italian chicken dance but forgot to actually push "record". Fail.  And all that stuff on the ground is confetti. People threw it all over the place. Everywhere we went our entire trip you could find confetti on the ground.  It also might be known that when it was time for a coffee break, of which they have many, many times a day, I did not drink the coffee.  I hope I wasn't a shame to the Italian spirit of coffee!  I will also mention here and now that I have a flat refusal for the squatty potty.  I never have figured out how to use on and I think I'll just not put that on my "bucket list".
 Italian cartoon
 For dinner we had a "meter long" pizza with many different toppings:  tuna (yes, tuna!!), spicy salami, anchovies (salty!) and other things.  It was good pizza.
 We also had kebab meat.
 Naturally there was wine on the table (though we didn't always have wine on the table, contrary to popular American beliefs)
We also had baklava.  During dinner we FB "skyped with the kids so our host family could "meet" them. 

Carnavale in Seriate


  1. Love the dish drainer.
    It looks like an interesting place to visit.

  2. The views from the apartment were my personal favorites :). Though I would've loved to try some of that fried dough, LOL

