November 9, 2008

Just Stuff

We met up with Aragorn's brother and his family for a walk to the Tunnel, I'll call Moria.

The hike to the tunnel was really nice, a perfect day, though we expected rain.

Entering the old train tunnel.

Wasn't that nice of me to turn around and take a picture of everyone behind me with a flash in a dark tunnel?
There is indeed a light at the end of a tunnel.

Sisters and a cousin. Don't you love it when they hold hands? So sweet!
Since we have a wedding coming up this week!! I thought we should see if we have shoes, socks and duds for everyone so we did a rather pathetic photo shoot.

Sam (who is very thrilled to be in a suit....... right)


Merry with Cap
Merry without Cap
Pippin with Cap
Pippin without Cap
Bilbo not cooperating

Bilbo has no shoes
However Bilbo does have black permanent sharpie on his head... and ankle, compliments of Pippin's school of fine art... or lack thereof.
Vanity, vanity, all things are vanity... but these matching doll dresses were soooo cute!
The group shots are just humorous so I'll include them all here and not in your Christmas card.

Praytell whose big idea was to take these pictures at Bilbo's naptime? You'd think by 9 children I'd know precisely when *not* to take pictures.

First rate goofballs (I wonder where they get that from?)

The election results were hard on this 8 year old. But lo and behold there at the grocery store on the for-suckers table were these adorable little puppies, just the right size for a little boy's pocket. We are rather low maintenance around here.
Fall Volunteer Day

Wet rats

Better your child than mine!

Tiny tots club


  1. Such grand snaps of the wee bairns. Goofballs, no, delightful aye!


  2. I just love those group shots. Your family is beautiful! What cuties!

  3. Those caps! That's an incredibly charming family photo. God bless.
