June 27, 2013

Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

In this Icon on the left is Michael the archangel holding the lance and gall-sop of Christ Passion, on the right is the archangel Gabriel carrying the Cross and the nails. Jesus was fearful running away from them almost losing his sandal, but Mary is very reassuring holding his hands in hers and she looks not at Him but at us the faithful with very sad eyes to tell us about Jesus sufferings. Her mouth is small because she keeps everything in her heart, she does not speak a lot. Mary reassuring Jesus is the symbol that she will come to our help in our distress and sorrows like she is reassuring and loving to Jesus.. The star in the middle of her veil is the symbol that she is the Star of the Sea who lightens the way for us to pass through the darkness of this ocean (life) to reach Heaven. The hands of Jesus is resting palm down into Mary's indicates that the Grace of Redemption is with Her. The fallen sandal is the symbol of a soul clinging to Jesus through the thread of Mary. Mary's left hand is supporting Jesus, a comforting act for every one who comes to Her. The dress of Mary is blue, a normal color worn by the mothers in Palestine. The red tunic is the color worn by virgins of Christ at the time. The blue and red colors on her dress signify that Mary is both Virgin and Mother. The Golden Crown was placed on the icon by order of the Holy See in 1867 as a token to her title of Perpetual Help. The Greek initials are for the names of "Mother of God", "St Michael the Archangel", "St Gabriel the Archangel" and "Jesus Christ."
Excerpt from Angelfire

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What a lot of substance for meditation! I've always loved that icon, and now I can love it even more. Thanks!
