August 19, 2018

New York Day 1, 2, and 3 - Train and Family

This year I took Sam, Eleanor, Poppy, and Marigold to NY to visit my family. Since the train was running late, we happened to find this really nice little park near the train station (more of a train depot) in Portage.

Tragic Portage story about a couple who, on their wedding day, accidentally drove their car into the river. I was able to locate a copy of the book written about it.

The train ride was about 22 hours long.  But it is a nice way to travel as you can walk around, not have to stop for bathroom breaks and avoid the highway traffic. And you can sleep... if you bring a pillow, blanket and eye coverings are helpful since lights aren't really turned off.

The down side of traveling on a Friday is that if you don't eat meat on Fridays, your pickings aren't slim.
As we waited in the Chicago Union Station, the group of us waiting were entertained (or creeped out by) a bat who was crazy swooping. (hence the blurry pictures)

Huddling to avoid the bat.  Eventually it flew out into the other section of people waiting for the train and it was our turn to giggle as people screamed (louder than my group did)

 After we arrived we had lunch at Johnny Angel's (Sam enjoyed a bison burger, no photo?), went to our cabin then went to visit a high school friend of mine.  Yeah, that's quite a few years of friendship. They had a pool and a delicious dinner.

 After that we stopped and visited my family but again, no photo as we just stopped briefly.
 Sunday we attended the Divine Liturgy at Sts. Peter and Paul, a Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church. It's LOVELY.  I had gone to their school for a couple of years (7th and 8th grades).
 Breakfast at Denny's
 Then it was on to an extended family reunion.  We took the long way and first stopped in Truxton. This was my grandma's old house (how come it isn't also grandpa's?  I don't know but it was always "grandma's" even after my grandma died). This house is so chuck full of memories. It would love to go visit inside some day again.
 The barn was across the street. A bit out of use but still, again, full of memories.

 Since the house is still in the family, I didn't think we'd get in much trouble for wandering around. After all, it isn't only family, it's also Truxton.

 What I wouldn't have given to get into the kitchen again and into grandma's cookie jar for another one of her molasses cookies. The best was when she had just pulled a bag out of the freezer and they were still slightly frozen. 

 Poppy and Marigold ate some raspberries.
 Then we went to the Truxton Cemetery where I had hoped to see my Uncle Frank and Aunt Joan's grave, but alas I didn't find it. But it was a neat old cemetery.

 Then it was a great time visiting with my aunts and uncles and cousins and their kids up at Fr. Sheehan's. Fr. Sheehan was my grandma's brother and obviously a priest.  Many memories up here at Lofty Acres and his cabin.

 My uncle Vinc (there were 12 children in grandma's family, my dad's family) has done extensive research in family geneology (back to 1792). He gave a great presentation and even had some books he printed up for us to take home and peruse.
 My grandma's family (names below, however, photo is upside down, huh?)

 Our Lady of Lofty Acres

Somewhere around here was the original Sheehan (grandma's side) land.

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