October 12, 2019

Black Belt #2 and other Rankings

 WOOHOO! Rosie earned her First Degree Black Belt!
 However, first were us lower rankers.
 Kili tested as a Tiger and went into Tiny Tiger Camo Belt. Received a new belt and a new tiger patch.
 Marigold helping with the fit test.

 Now that's black belt attitude! 😂

 Next Poppy, Marigold and I tested.

 weapons and sparring

 Poppy had to break boards with foot and hand techiniques, #2 round kick and a ridge hand strike.

 Movin' on as a red/black belt for training with the black belts!

 Rosie had a 2-1/2 hour fit test first which consists of calisthenics...
 low ranking forms
 warrior combos, various punches and kicks

 11 or so rounds of sparring, and a fit test
 Merry and Bilbo joined her for the fit test to earn their white stripes.

 After the 2-1/2 fit challenge came the 1-1/2 hour belt test.

 4 more rounds of sparring, totally 15 rounds of sparring! Yikes.

 board breaks
 She broke the blue boards in a flash.

 Then in an added challenge she smashed the brown boards.

 This man was testing for 2nd degree black belt (the one who is flying over the top of his wife) so he had to do 3 breaks. This one was amazing!
 planking while the judges determine the belt testers new ranks.

 Two of the instructors who were instrumental in her training especially in teen adult.

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