October 20, 2019

EEK and Other Happenings

 A local library held a talk/viewing of EEK animals, though it ended up not even being at the library but another  building. This woman said she had waited 80 years to finally hold a skunk.
 There was an excellent presentation on bats. The first part was about myths

  • not blind
  • don't attack people or get tangled in hair (not a good source of food), they might run into one of a person is standing in a sea of mosquitos, who would be foolish enough to do that?!
  • less than 1/2 of 1% have rabies. They only bite in self defense (so don't touch them if they are on the ground)
  • clean and groom themselves like a cat
  • They are not mice:
    life 20 years vs mice who live 2-3 years
    1 pup/year vs mice who have6-8 pups 5-10 times per year
    roost in attics vs mice who are very destructive
  • do not suck blood, though vampire bats do lick blood
  • eat 1000 mosquitos/night

 The bats were huge in my mind, at least compared to the ones we have up in our eaves (keeping our mosquitoes down to a minimum)

 This was a sugar glider and really cute.

 Leopard gecko
 A tarantula... and the main reason we came, my boys in particular wanted to see a tarantula. I had enough of that in my high school biology classroom. *shiver*
 The man who gave the presentation has 3 skunks living in his house (free range style). Stink sac removed.

 After a dental appointment for a couple of kids I had a gift card to use up on milkshakes and a piece of pie for my husband. It's right next door to the mustard museum. I mean who isn't tempted by that?!

 I mean really, that is ALOT of mustard.

 Mustard Piece Theater haha!!!
Christmas gift for the man who has everything... but this? Hot dog tie with mustard? I did sample many flavors of mustard (I do like mustard). Some I liked (beer mustard was very good so was the dill pickle mustard) others I did not like (horseradish mustard... actually horseradish anything, no thank you, garlic mustard, just doesn't go...)
 Meanwhile back at home a couple kids were working on making chariots out of marshmallows, pretzels, animal crackers and so on... They must get their inability to make frosting from me as this was certainly a frosting fail. I *think* the idea was to use the frosting as the glue.

Do the math on the number of dental appointments. Monetarily, you can't really comprehend. Ouch. Most had excellent results *phew*.

 This one had a baby tooth that did not fall out and the adult tooth pushed it to the roof of his mouth. Thankfully it just had to be pulled out. Below is what was left of it. Odd.

 Roses that bloom in October smell so glorious!!

 The on-going cement pouring (we are talking year after year) continues. Still have much more to accomplish, hopefully before the snow flies.
 Multi-tasking: smoothing cement and practicing a side kick. What? Not everyone does that?

 Eleanor and I  were working on making Christmas gifts.
 Archery on this glorious day

 EEK! More kitties. They are so cute at this age!

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