August 6, 2020

Around the Farm and Beyond


Cucumber on a stick (after you've eaten beyond your quota of popsicles for the day you try a cucumbersicle)
The turkeys are far too often not where they are supposed to be

We had a torrential rain storm and 4 of the (small) chickens drowned. We were able to move the rest in with the turkeys where they remained high and dry. Guess they don't mind living together. Nothing is more exciting that being out in a torrential rainstorm saving chickens. ... 😕

Our new layer chickens arrived. 30 new ones. 2 will go to Sam after his wedding.

For the first time (there is always a first) I have a child who will sit and do her schoolwork in her pjs all day (if she were allowed). NO ONE else ever did that. 
I feel safe now that this bale of hay his masked. (no, this is not ours)
I've never had a boy so eager to get his first shaver. I'm not sure what for.... 😂
Masks, mask, and more masks. Picking out the right mask for taekwondo work out is an impossible feat. Yes, we have a million masks. I was trying to find some that were actually breathable, particularly for my one with the terrible sinuses. Let me tell you, there is no such thing as mask, workout, and breathable that go in the same sentence. (I. Loathe. Masks.)
The first batch of sweet corn was not quite ripe but since then we've really enjoyed alot of super, delicious, sweet corn from our crops.
Beautiful or what?!
Photo attempts. 7. What can I say?

The youngsters enjoy camping outside during the nice weather.
Merry putting windows in my green house (I mean it's literally green, not an actual greenhouse)
More gladioli
Fixing the hay rake. 

Hm. Hot summer days... ear muffs and hot tea anyone?

Merry on his way out the door for his black belt test.

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