August 5, 2024

2024 - July 15 - Holocaust Museum


This is not the holocaust museum, it is behind this building, I just thought this was a beautiful building.

The Holocaust Museum was amazing. It was overwhelming the suffering. They even had *videos* of the horrific treatment of the persecuted Jews and Catholics and whomever else.  What a horrifying time.

We started in "Daniel's House" He was a Jewish boy living in Germany (some photos are out of order as we went through the dark part first...). He lived a good live there until the Nazi's began their persecution of the Jews (and Catholics....)sThis was SO touching.

This was really neat, you could point this table up to a photo and it would tell you the person's story. It was heart wrenching. 

This was neat to see as one year we read the book "Number the Stars" which told of one of these boats where the Danish secreted the Jews under the floor boards to save their lives.

You could pick up one of these cards that had a photo of someone and you read the story to their fate at the end.

Maher Ice Cream
By this point we were dying of thirst so we pick up slushies, etc... No joke $10 drinks... each. 😳 This is why there are no prices. Some had "Boba" I preferred my slushie unadulterated.

My sister and her husband took us to Rocklands which was an amazing BBQ. (Thank you!!!)

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