August 6, 2024

2024 - July 16 - Smithsonian Museum of Natural History


Yeah, this parking garage: scraaaaaape. I thought I was going to be stuck in this garage for life. Couldn't make the angle in the first parking spot, hence the scrape. So I had Merry park in the final destination spot. No harm done and really all that happened was that and I lost my credit card back in Skaneateles. I believe I must have thrown it away when I was juggling things. 😝

Tis not the job for me! How about you? Would you? Could you? Yikes.

Gum gum dum dum... Methinks nearly everywhere we went there were quotes or discussion of scenes from Night in the Museum or National Treasure. 

HUGE quartz I mean huge.

No. Nothing comes alive, then again, we were not privy to go here at night. 😂

I had heard about the "hope diamond" and here I was thinking it was a HUGE raw diamond the size of me. However, that said, it was beautiful.

I'm not a spider fan (or spiderman fan) but in high school we had a pet tarantula in our Biology room. Fond memory... or not...

gigantic squid

A walrus is HUGE This looks small but it is HUGE

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