For Lent I was invited to do the saint editing on These Forty Days. I am also posting these little writings on our family website Trinity Acres USA. Sunday's during Lent I will be posting our week's family events of which this week have been plenty when you have a Pippin in the house.
In addition to the saint of the day (time permitting!) I will add some interesting quick quotes. I like a good read but what I really like are little quotes that have great meaning.
Here are a few I really liked this week from Divine Intimacy (which I highly recommend!):
"Dust, the ashes which the priest puts on our foreheads today, has no substance; the lightest breath will disperse it. It is a good representation of man's nothingness" (since afterall during the distribution of ashes we are reminded "Remember man that thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return.")
"Remember that you have only one soul; that you have only one death to die.... then there will be many things about which you care nothing"
"Take order with thy house, for thou shalt die" (well, that should wake us up a bit) followed by "lest being suddenly suprised by the day of death, we should seek time for penance and not find it".
St. Therese "I shall always sing, even should my flowers be gathered from the midst of thorns."
"The amount of suffering must be wisely proprotioned, and limited to teh physicalstrength of each one; but what must never be limited is the love, the spirit of geerosity with which we perform each act of sacrifice. From this point of view, a slight mortification done with all the love of which a soul is capable has greater value than a painful penance performed in a material way, with no interior spirit."
St. John of the Cross, "Have great love for suffereing and consider it very little to attain the favor of the Spouse, who hesitated not to die for thee."
St. John of the Cross, "Have great love for suffereing and consider it very little to attain the favor of the Spouse, who hesitated not to die for thee."
The last few days readings can be summarized up in God's proof of His love for us consists in the Incarnation and his Death on the Cross. Our proof of our love for God is in our little crosses, mortifications and sufferings both physical and spiritual. These readings are making me very eager for Easter! In the meantime during Lent we are reminded that we are on this earth to suffer for the love of God.
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