June 30, 2008

May and June Birthdays

I overlooked Sam's 12th birthday on the blog! He is our May baby and trying desperately to be taller (though not wider) than his mother! Measuring in at 5'2" he has a few inches to go.
I cannot believe he is going to be in 7th grade this fall! We are going into junior high.... at home!

Merry is our June baby and he turned 4! Merry's choice of food was pancakes for breakfast. Peanut Butter and Honey on Mommy's Bread (awwwwww, sweet boy!) for lunch and Bones for supper (that is, steak but he gets a bone!)

The 9 car train cake gave everyone a chance to decorate with candies. (What a messy project!)


  1. Happy Birthday, birthday boys!!!
    The Giambalvos

  2. The cake pan was from www.KitchenKrafts.com and way more than I'd ever think to spend on a baking pan but I guess the 3 little boys and any nephews and friends who want to borrow will have train cakes! :)
