Happy Birthday Rosie! When we arrived home from our trip to NY, Grandma had left a cake to celebrate Rosie's birthday.

Bilbo catching up on the sales flyer.

Our beautiful yellow, orange and purple carrots... *ahem*.... from the farmers market...

We went to a party down at our friends' house in Rockford. Do check out this incredible garden...

Note: I won't be posting pictures of my garden...

... which doesn't look *quite* like this.

Fr. Bovee and old friends from Rockford where we used to attend Mass before our wonderful priests arrived in our diocese.

I heard that this band is formed by various members of a local family! Quite the talented bunch.

Water Balloons

Egg races... and egg faces...

Fr. Talarico

A couple of the seminarians

A game of soccer

The son of friends of ours

Frodo and Rosie


Check out this incredible badminton set up!

A giant sandbox for some!

New creative ways to use a badminton racket.


Eleanor has this knack for wearing interesting socks with her Sunday clothes...... it is only a coinkydink that her tights matched Bilbos jammy-bottoms!

Hello there! Here I come, everybody loves me-me-me-me-me!

One Sunday we went black cap picking.

Oh woe is me, says the cat.

I don't have the best fondness for cats but I must say that I don't think they are the brightest of God's creations as this one kept coming back for more torture sessions.

Eleanor with the kitty.


Bilbo gets new shoes.... just like the big guys

Fr. Bovee came up to visit us so we pulled together a picnic. I forgot to bring out the camera before our local priests left but remembered when the pony rides started.