June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Merry!

Merry turned 6 today. This was a giant chocolate chip cookie.... notice how nicely it is decorated. That is because I bought it at the store.

Our birthday *thing* is the birthday kid doesn't have to do their chores for the day and he gets to pick out the meals. I have already forgotten what happened at breakfast and I wish he had chosen something more noble and impressive than corn dogs for lunch and Rocky Rococo's Pizza for dinner!
This was the cake that Galadriel made. Since I forgot to get candles she very cleverly wrote a 6 in the frosting.... cake decorating is genetic! It's ok, we are about taste... and lots of calories... rather than the picturesque.

Tell me you didn't start humming the theme to Little House on the Prairie!

June 29, 2010

Continued Busy-ness

Whoa, check out those legs!
Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest heights.... (remember that kiddie song?)

My sister brought the children kites this year.

I must explain that this was suppose to be our Assisi Garden and I felt a little despairing over it's sad repair until I saw so many places where they actually have gardens look like this and they tried to get this look. Poor St. Francis is kind of a "Where's Waldo" set up. But at least St. Claire is visible.

Eleanor's bouquet of... broccoli.


.... taste-testing rocks.

We went to see Shakespeare's As You Like It at a local outdoor theater.
Lovely 1/4mile trek....

I kid you not, you know you are in Wisconsin when they give you FREE bug repelant at the outdoor theater! Your choice deet or deet free. I'm one of those lucky ones that mosquitos don't like. Let's not speculate on the reasons for that!

The stage set-up. Yes, a little ahem interesting. The costuming was taken in the depression era, which was interesting.

Gift shop, food and such.

The place was packed.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen.... photography strictly prohibitted......... no exemption for bloggers.
Last day and pictures with my sister.

We took one last trip out with my sister, since we obviously didn't do enough while she was in town.

When seeing all the garbage and clutter and mess in the chimp cage she said "I see by the mess they must be boys!"

I don't know but I felt a little sorry for this animal. Sorta suffered from the fall of man.

just deleted the parrots

This is the nicest carousel!

Ok, I admit I laughed hysterically.

Then I stopped laughing. We are still unsure what we ran over but it sounded like the Overture of 1812. Here the van is already jacked up but the tire was positively flat as a pancake. Being only about a mile from home the kids thought it was novel to walk home.

Bye-bye Bridy!