August 9, 2010


Galadriel had her follow-up MRI today. It was ALL CLEAR! No sign of a returning brain tumor!
I was able to sit in for the MRI, the hardest part was trying to get the ear plugs to stay in my ears, very complicated little devices (little cylindrical piece of foam). For those who haven't been in the proximity of an MRI, they are very noisy things. After the MRI we went to lunch at Panera (thank you Lady Modesty :) and took a trek into Borders' books and then returned for the follow-up. We saw about 10 different people today, each tested her strength and patience (haha).

The only negative was that she has double vision way up to the right and way up to the left.... most of us would not hold our head straight ahead and try to see something at that level.... we would naturally turn our head. So it is a very minor issue.

We both got a laugh over some of the questions "Are you able to walk?..... dress yourself?.... go up and down stairs?....." One of the doctors was a bit shocked when he asked for a low 5 (as opposed to a high 5) and he winced from the sting...ooops... yep, she has her strength back :)

Culver's cones were our celebration on the way home!

So do offer a little prayer of thanksgiving.

We had quite a storm in the night....

And look who woke up this morning!! This is Larry.... since he hatched on the vigil of St. Lawrence. I have had a fondness of Monarchs since my childhood.

So we took the milkweed outside so that we wouldn't have a butterfly on the loose inside the house.

I waited a long time to get this picture, slow poke didn't want to show-off his wings. But this was a reaction to tickling him with a blade of grass :)
By the time we got home from the MRI he had flown away.


  1. Praise God that Galadriel got the all clear!

  2. God blessed her, and you all, to find her the help she needed in time! She has a life time of living ahead of her, I am so happy for all of you. Congratulations on the all clear! That is the best news of the day :)

  3. God blessed her, and you all, to find her the help she needed in time! She has a life time of living ahead of her, I am so happy for all of you. Congratulations on the all clear! That is the best news of the day :)

  4. Excellent news! Deo Gratias. And what better way to celebrate than with Panera and Culvers :-) See you soon!

  5. That's wonderful news! God is truly so good! What a fantastic day it must have been for both of you.

    And I guess the invention of Panera Bread was a pretty cool thing too. ;-)

  6. Thanks be to God! Congratulations!

  7. I am doing a dance over here, celebrating with you that the MRI was clear! So, so awesome!!!!

  8. I'm late here, but praise God for the all clear news!!!

    God bless,
    KRisten in TN
