January 30, 2013

Double Fun

Friends of ours just had their 2nd set of twins exactly 2 years after their first set of twins... on the very same date. Here's a fun interview!  If you've been around here for a year, you'll perhaps remember their beautiful little Rosalia was born at 23 weeks, born live and lived for 5 hours.  And the blessing of their Rosalia Garden.


  1. Crying over here! What a beautiful story and so beautifully presented by the media!!! May God bless this family abundantly!

    And in the "small world" side of things, my best friend when I was ages 3 to 5 in Buffalo, NY, shared the same last name. (-: Oh, and in my family of 7, each of us was born in a different state, except for a brother and a sister who were both born in Buffalo and both on the same day (-: 2 years apart.

  2. Ooooh, I love hearing little family funsies like you just mentioned. One of my children shares a birthday with my husband. We also had a really bizarre thing going with the first 9 children. We had one birthday a month from January to September with all the boys born on even days and all the girls born on odd days. #9 and 10 girls both are odd days so perhaps #9-18 will be the exact opposite hahahaahah

  3. How nice! It's a bit terrifying to picture as our future though - we are only on our first set of twins, and two infants of the same age with the same needs at the same time is definitely a lesson in multitasking :) ). Good thing God only sends what we can handle right at the moment, so that we can trust the unknown future to a known God!

  4. Amen to that Sarah--you are a wise woman! I remember the story of the Cure of Ars who said he would have died of fright if he had been able to see what was in his future. My Grandma had 2 sets of twins. My Mom was the oldest of 10 then twins, and twins again for #'s 7 and 8. I'd love to ask her now how she did it--I'm pretty sure she'd say, "God's grace!"
