December 9, 2011

Merry's First Holy Communion

 Merry received his First Holy Communion at our High Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. 

 Merry and his cousin.
 Fr. JB and Merry
 Marigold.  I was glad someone had the camera as I was busy and didn't take a single picture... except of the cake below....

 My little soprano and Marigold.
Our children's Latin Mass choir sang for the High Mass.
 Afterwards we had a dinner in the hall. 
 Now, this really takes the cake.  No pun intended.  If you do not know what I'm referring to....
 NO JOKE! I ordered the cake from Costco and the lady said she'd put some red roses and congratulate Merry on his First Holy Communion.    Instead she decorated it with holly and wrote HOLLY for Holy.  BWAHAHA  Someone I know *ahem* thought perhaps it was just my [odd]sense of humor.  haha 
Marigold as a baby Winkie
 Woah.... nothing like dire need of a hair cut
Much better.


  1. I did a double-take on the cake- it my eyesight?? haha! hilarious!! It was a delicious cake and meal too!...yum!
    The children's choir sang like angels- beautiful Mass!
    Congratulations Pete!
    love Aunt Beth

  2. Congratulations, Peter! Loved the cake ;-)

  3. Great pictures of such a special occasion - congratulations to Peter! Sorry we missed it! The cake cracks me up - TOO FUNNY!!

  4. Oh goodness - you should submit that to the cake wrecks website! Congratulations to your son.
