December 20, 2012

Blizzardy and Blustery

 We woke up to quite a bit of snow.  By 7:30 nearly everyone was outside rebuilding their snow fort.
 They used my wheelbarrow to make big blocks for their fort. The snow is so thick and wet and heavy that it made for great packed blocks of snow.

 Baby Jesus was not yet added to the outdoor manger but I really had to bring the little statue in when it just seemed so cold in its hiding place.
 By noon it looked like this. Sam had shoveled about a foot of snow.

 Aragorn and the 2 oldest boys, much to my irritation, decided to head out and take care of the animals over at the barn.  We had seen the plows go by 3 times. I thought that was a rather suspicious thing. Well, it was just the neighbors down a ways who plow for parking lots in town had to plow their way to the parking lots, hence the only place around here that has been plowed is right in front of our house hahaha.  However, after their house they ran in to some 3 feet of snow and had to take an alternate route.
 Atop one of the round bales.
 They made it back safely enough so that was good.
 Meanwhile inside we are trying to get some cleaning done. Frodo was working on windows, I'm not sure I was keen on the idea of straddling atop one of the beams to do so.
He also worked on a wooden "Sting".

We shall see how we fare tonight with snow and wind... we're due for another 5 inches.  At the moment we've gotten about 18 inches here.  And all that in about 20 hours.  It's a time to remember to be grateful for a warm house, albeit it... noisy house.


  1. Be safe. Weren't your children running around barefoot only recently? What a weather swing.

  2. WOW! that's some snowstorm! At least you got to see The Hobbit before you got snowed in ;0)Stay safe...
